Understanding Behavior as Communication
When children and teens act out or withdraw, they're not just misbehaving - they're communicating. Whether through tantrums,...

The Anatomy of Misunderstanding What Makes an Experience Traumatic?
Contrary to common belief, trauma isn't defined solely by the event itself. If it shifts your view of...

Misunderstandings often lie at the heart of our relationship conflicts. Like a game of telephone we played as children, messages between partners can become distorted,...
Finding the best therapist for you can feel very overwhelming. Many clients aren’t sure what to ask or how to screen therapists. Additionally, some clients don’t realize they can interview their therapist to assess if that therapist is a good fit for them. When selecting a therapist near you, look for...
Almost everyone feels anxious from time to time. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming, chronic, or affects your quality of life, seeking counseling can be very helpful. Here are the top five signs that your anxiety may be out of control:
1. Catastrophizing
Catastrophizing involves worrying about or...
Anxiety counseling is designed to help you understand, mitigate, and relieve anxiety, allowing you to return to the life you wish to live. This process involves various skills, approaches, and tools tailored to manage and reduce anxiety effectively. My personal approach to anxiety counseling revolves around...
As the school year begins, anxiety levels in students can spike, leading to various challenges that impact their academic and social lives. This guide provides practical strategies for managing back-to-school anxiety, building coping skills, setting SMART goals, recognizing signs of school-related stress,...
It’s the new year and everyone is talking about resolutions. As someone who has been struggling with the same thing for a very long time, resolutions can feel like a helpful way to actually make a lasting change. Or, they can be a source of anxiety and frustration.
Experiments in Self-Care: Mood Tracking
The following is Part 2 in a 4-Part Series of Self-Care experiments, conducted and reported on by the fabulous Psychology intern: Adra Brown. For more “Experiments in Self-Care“, see Part 1: Mindfulness Meditation or Part 2: Tidying Up.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health struggles in the United States. It affects approximately 19% of the population of individuals 18 years and older. Whereas 9% of children and teens are reported to have anxiety. You may be wondering, “How does anxiety affect couples, moms, dads, teens, and...
Is Counseling Right For Your Teen?
As a parent of three teenagers, I understand the turmoil of parenting kids in this stage of life.
Adolescence is a time for our teens to learn about themselves. Their likes, dislikes, abilities, and talents, who they are in relationships, what their limits are, and how they respond in different situations....
If you’re like most parents, you expend fair amounts of emotional energy worrying about how to protect your child from the stresses of growing up in an uncertain world. This article is for you, as loving parents of stressed or anxious teens, and for your teen, who is truly doing the best they can. These...
Heal The Brain From Depression or Addiction
In this quickie article I will simply summarize what Dr. Ralph Carson cites as the 5 Elements of Healing the Brain from depression, bad habits, compulsive behavior, or addiction:
We’re moving into the holiday season, and while we can probably think of so many reasons to be grateful, we can also think of a million reasons to feel stressed. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time, money, or cheer to last until January. We have so many things to do; decorate, bake, buy gifts, and...
The following is Part 1 in a 4-Part Series of Self-Care experiments, conducted and reported on by the fabulous intern: Adra Brown.
Mindfulness 101
“Mindfulness” is a buzzword lately, and with good reason. Countless studies tout it’s benefits, ranging from enhanced memory & decision-making, to improved relationships, to reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. I personally practice mindfulness meditation regularly, “attempt” to practice it with my...
The following is Part 2 in a 4-Part Series of Self-Care experiments, conducted and reported on by the fabulous Psychology intern: Adra Brown. For more “Experiments in Self-Care“, see Part 1: Mindfulness Meditation.
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