Tennessee Mental Wellness is Sumner County’s only Brainspotting Therapy Clinic. Each of our clinicians are trained Brainspotting professionals in Tennessee, and specialize in treating emotional, psychological and relational trauma. TN Mental Wellness is committed to providing excellent therapy services to residents of Tennessee.

What is Brainspotting in Gallatin, TN?

Brainspotting is a therapeutic treatment intervention. It works to help people work through trauma or to get “unstuck” with certain issues in their lives. It is effective when used with:
• Enhancing performance
• Overcoming anxiety and OCD
• Healing physical and emotional trauma
• Healing chronic pain
• And causing permanent changes to bad habits (such as emotional eating or addictions)

Brainspotting is used by therapists to access, process, and overcome trauma, anxiety, and habits that get in the way of living our best life.

There are two kinds of psychotherapy:
Technical and Non-Technical.

Traditional talk therapy is a very valuable, non-technical form of psychotherapy. Brainspotting therapy is a technical form of psychotherapy. It has psychological, emotional, and physical results. It is a brain-based Therapy for rapid and effective change.


When a stressful event happens, our brain stores these events on a continuous loop deep in our brains. Our body keeps this loop going like an app always running on our phones. This is very much like minimizing a window on your computer rather than closing the program. Your brain and body keep the memory running in the background. This process uses up lots of energy. For survival, it works very well. But, for daily life, it’s exhausting.
Trauma results from our nervous systems being overwhelmed by experiences that we cannot tolerate and process. This can be the result of a single life-threatening event—or repeated stressors accumulating over time. Trauma is particularly devastating if we’re young and vulnerable. So, early traumatic experiences tend to have deep impacts that, as adults, we may be completely unconscious of. Without appropriate support, anyone can get lost in these very painful experiences. Brainspotting is a very effective treatment for clearing the residual effects of trauma. It works to heal emotions from the inside out.

How Brainspotting Works:

Brainspotting therapists use your field of vision to help access these memories. Then, they help your brain rewrite a new pathway for release.

Brainspotting (BSP) is a powerful, focused treatment method. In short, it works by identifying, processing, and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, and dissociation. And a variety of other challenging symptoms.

BSP uses the natural phenomenon of how you look affects how you feel by using relevant eye positions. The therapist and client pair a fixed eye position and body sensation to an unresolved issue. This rapid, effective mind/body-centered therapy technique goes beyond cognitive awareness. Instead, it connects one to the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself.

What if I don’t have trauma?

We all have experienced trauma in some capacity. It may be from distressing events, adverse childhood experiences, unmet emotional needs, or abuse and neglect.
Unresolved trauma depletes you as you stay prepared to fight, flight, or freeze (lion, gazelle, turtle). This releases the stress hormone, cortisol, which has negative impacts on:

And your immune system
Unlike traditional talk therapy, Brainspotting therapy bypasses the thinking brain (neocortex). Instead, it accesses the reactive brain (subcortex). Doing so allows you to resolve trauma responses in a comfortable, controlled setting. All with the support of an attuned, caring therapist.

Could Brainspotting in Gallatin, TN Help Me?

Brainspotting is a therapeutic tool for everyone with a variety of issues. You may be new to therapy and are looking for a way to change patterns of behavior. If so, brainspotting can help resolve the emotional and physical pain that keeps you stuck in those patterns
If you have been in therapy before, but have the sense that your work could go deeper, Brainspotting can take therapy to another level of healing. You may feel uncomfortable talking about your past traumatic experiences. If so, this modality will enable you to heal without having to tell or retell your story. Last, brainspotting can be used to enhance performance, creativity, and create regulation in your brain and body.

As a client, why choose brainspotting?

How effective are the results of brainspotting?

Clients report they can find the cause of their conflicts and turn them into growth opportunities.

Learn how the field of Psychology is increasingly recognizing the impact of Brainspotting in healing trauma here

Brainspotting and Athletic Performance, a conversation with Brainspotting Pioneer, David Grand PhD

As a client why choose Brainspotting

Who does Brainspotting work with?

What is Brainspotting?

Begin Brainspotting in Gallatin, TN

You deserve support as you work through trauma. Brainspotting can help. Our team of caring therapists can help equip you with the tools to cope with your symptoms and feel more at peace.

To start therapy with our Gallatin, TN-based therapy practice, please follow these steps:


1. Contact TN Mental Wellness


2. Meet with a caring therapist.


3. Start improving your mental health!