Understanding Behavior as Communication
When children and teens act out or withdraw, they're not just misbehaving - they're communicating. Whether through tantrums,...

The Anatomy of Misunderstanding What Makes an Experience Traumatic?
Contrary to common belief, trauma isn't defined solely by the event itself. If it shifts your view of...

Misunderstandings often lie at the heart of our relationship conflicts. Like a game of telephone we played as children, messages between partners can become distorted,...
Misunderstandings often lie at the heart of our relationship conflicts. Like a game of telephone we played as children, messages between partners can become distorted, leading to hurt feelings and damaged connections.
As we step into a new year, embracing resilience becomes more important than ever. Resilience is the incredible ability to adapt and bounce back when faced with adversity, trauma, or significant stress. It's what enables individuals to handle life's inevitable challenges with a sense of strength and hope.
Your loved one has just come out as LGBTQIA+, and you may feel like your world has just been upended. You love them but their identity may feel like it’s in conflict with your Christian values. If it’s your child, the future you imagined for them might be very different from the one they now have in front of...
The Five Elements of Healing the Brain
It’s no secret that our brains are complex organs. They control everything from our thoughts and emotions to our physical movements. So when something goes wrong with our brains, it can profoundly impact our lives.
If you’re like most parents, you expend fair amounts of emotional energy worrying about how to protect your child from the stresses of growing up in an uncertain world. This article is for you, as loving parents of stressed or anxious teens, and for your teen, who is truly doing the best they can. These...
Heal The Brain From Depression or Addiction
In this quickie article I will simply summarize what Dr. Ralph Carson cites as the 5 Elements of Healing the Brain from depression, bad habits, compulsive behavior, or addiction:
We’re moving into the holiday season, and while we can probably think of so many reasons to be grateful, we can also think of a million reasons to feel stressed. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time, money, or cheer to last until January. We have so many things to do; decorate, bake, buy gifts, and...
How To Make Lasting Change
It’s the end of January, which means the majority of people have given up on their New Year’s Resolutions. Only to try again next year. Why is it so hard to change?
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