By Emily Runyan | March 3, 2025

Understanding Behavior as Communication

When children and teens act out or withdraw, they're not just misbehaving - they're communicating. Whether through tantrums,...

By Emily Runyan | March 1, 2025

The Anatomy of Misunderstanding What Makes an Experience Traumatic?

Contrary to common belief, trauma isn't defined solely by the event itself. If it shifts your view of...

By Emily Runyan | February 1, 2025

Misunderstandings often lie at the heart of our relationship conflicts. Like a game of telephone we played as children, messages between partners can become distorted,...

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NEW START is a very effective way to work on your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. NEW START also teaches that it is never too late or early to make a healthy change in your life.

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It’s the new year and everyone is talking about resolutions. As someone who has been struggling with the same thing for a very long time, resolutions can feel like a helpful way to actually make a lasting change. Or, they can be a source of anxiety and frustration.

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If you are among the 45 million Americans who go on a diet each year, you are likely among the estimated 95% who eventually “fall off the bandwagon” and regain the weight. With an estimated five percent success rate, programs that promise quick & easy weight loss present pretty grim odds. If diets only...

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If you’re like most parents, you expend fair amounts of emotional energy worrying about how to protect your child from the stresses of growing up in an uncertain world. This article is for you, as loving parents of stressed or anxious teens, and for your teen, who is truly doing the best they can. These...

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[This article is Part 3 in a series on creating long-term healthy lifestyle. Check out Part 1: Create Your Vision, and Part 2: Set A Goal, before reading part 3.]

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“What if I told you, there was something you could do right now, that would have an immediate positive benefit for your brain, including your mood and your focus…and that could last a long time, protecting your brain from conditions like depression and alzheimers?

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You and your spouse used to bond over eating out & pigging out, watching TV, or partying (or all of the above), but you have decided to make some changes and start living healthier. You’ve started to exercise, or you’re cooking fresh meals, or you’re drinking less, and as a result you’re noticing...

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A sustainable approach to healthy living begins with a clear goal in mind that considers all the complexities that encompass your life. The first step is to envision your “map”, or all the details of what your life will be like when you’re at your health potential. Read on to learn how to create a clear...

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The following is Part 2 in a 4-Part Series of Self-Care experiments, conducted and reported on by the fabulous Psychology intern: Adra Brown. For more “Experiments in Self-Care“, see Part 1: Mindfulness Meditation.

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Life transitions, such as moving or starting a new job, hold both the excitement of untapped opportunity, and the stress that comes with change. During these transitions, health and wellness-related goals often take a backseat.

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It’s the end of January, which means the majority of people have given up on their New Year’s Resolutions. Only to try again next year. Why is it so hard to change?

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