Why LGBTQIA+ Therapy Matters: The Importance of Finding a Safe Space

Your loved one has just come out as LGBTQIA+, and you may feel like your world has just been upended. You love them but their identity may feel like it’s in conflict with your Christian values. If it’s your child, the future you imagined for them might be very different from the one they now have in front of them.
Or, if it’s a family member, you may be feeling confused and lost. You love this person and want to support them but don’t know how. Your loved one is likely searching for support too, and this is why LGBTQIA+ therapy matters. In this blog, we will cover how to support your loved one and the importance of finding a safe space.
Listen, Be Curious, and Understanding 
When your loved one comes out to you, it’s important to listen without judgment and try to understand. Remember, this isn’t just them telling you something- they are giving you a part of themselves. Your loved one is likely feeling vulnerable and scared, so it’s important to be open and curious. Listening to them will mean more than any words of advice or support you may have to give.
Also, being curious isn’t the same as trying to pry or push for answers. You don’t need to ask intrusive questions, it’s enough to simply listen and show genuine interest. It also shows that you are willing to learn and grow with your loved one on this journey. By listening to them, you are showing them that you are willing to try and understand.
Learning Instead of Jumping to Conclusions
If some things they say are new to you or you don’t understand, ask questions. Avoid jumping to conclusions or making assumptions about their identity and instead take the time to really listen. There are plenty of resources that can help you gain a better understanding of gender and sexuality, such as The Trevor Project.
The Trevor Project works to educate and advocate for LGBTQIA+ youth, and their website has a wealth of information. It can help inform you about your loved one’s identity or any new terms and concepts they might bring up. Doing your own research can help you gain a better understanding of what your loved one is going through and help you support them better.
Affirm Your Love
Your loved one is more than likely feeling scared or anxious about coming out, and they need your support. Remember to take the time to tell them how much you love them, no matter what. Your loved one may be worried that their identity will change your relationship, so it’s important to affirm your love and commitment.
Recognize that you are at a start of a journey to get to know each other in a new way. You get the opportunity to build a deeper and more meaningful relationship with your loved one because now you are both on the same page. It can be difficult to process, but it’s important to recognize that this is an opportunity for growth and understanding.
Be With Your Own Hurt and Sadness
It can be difficult to process the news that your loved one has come out. Depending on your faith and beliefs, you may be feeling hurt or sad. However, it’s important to feel your own emotions and work through them. Your loved one is likely feeling overwhelmed and scared, so try not to burden them with your own feelings. This may seem difficult and you may want to share your emotions but it’s best to do this with a therapist or a close friend.
By sitting in these feelings, you can realize that this isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually an opportunity to grow closer with your loved one and learn from each other. You may be feeling scared and overwhelmed, but it’s important to recognize that this is a natural part of the journey.
Seek Therapy to Work Through Big Feelings this Brings Up
When your loved one comes out LGBTQIA+, it can bring up a range of different emotions and feelings. Especially if you are conflicted due to your beliefs. It’s important to recognize that it’s okay to feel this way and seek out therapy for support. A therapist can help you navigate your emotions and the internal conflict that comes with them.
Having a safe space to express your emotions and thoughts can be helpful in understanding and accepting the situation.
Your Loved One Deserves a Safe Space
It’s important to create a safe space for your loved one. You may not agree with their identity or beliefs, but you can still respect and support them. Respect their choices, boundaries, and identity. Listen to them without judgment or criticism and provide a nonjudgmental space for them to talk about their experiences.
You can also help your loved one find an experienced, LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist or support group. This will give them a safe space to explore their identity and work through any big feelings that come up. Your loved one having a safe space to express themselves is important and can help them on their journey.
Interested in Learning More About LGBTQ Therapy in Gallatin, TN?
Just as you seek a therapist for your big feelings, your loved one may also benefit from therapy. When coming out as LGBTQIA+ or exploring gender and sexuality, working with a professional can be immensely beneficial. At TN Mental Wellness, we provide a safe space for individuals to explore and express their authentic selves. If you’re interested in learning more about how LGBTQIA+ therapy can benefit you or your loved one:
- Contact TN Mental Wellness
- Meet with a Caring Therapist
- Begin Your Journey Towards Understanding!
Other Mental Health Services Offered by Tennessee Mental Wellness
At Tennessee Mental Wellness, we understand that as an LGBTQIA+ family member, ally, or member of the community, coming out can be a difficult journey to navigate. This is why we offer a variety of mental health services to meet your unique needs at our Gallatin, TN-based therapy practice. We offer services such as Anxiety Treatment, LGBTQIA+ Therapy, Art Therapy, Divorce Recovery, Postpartum Treatment, and Brainspotting. Other services offered include Health Coaching, Divorce Support Groups, Online Courses, and Corporate Seminars. Feel free to learn more by visiting our Blog or FAQs page today.