If you are paying for therapy as “out-of-network” from your current health insurance, we have good news! The app Reimbursify can clear up the hassle for where the claim should go and when you will be reimbursed. At Tennessee Mental Wellness, we recognize that it can feel overwhelming and off-putting to go through the headache of filing Out-Of-Network claims. We encourage the use of this app to ease those irritations and, most importantly, to remove that barrier to your access to family, couples, or individual therapy.
Reimbursify explains:
Most private health insurance plans provide some level of out-of-network reimbursement. If you see the terms “POS”, “PPO” or “out-of network” on your insurance card then you are likely eligible. If you see “HMO”, “Medicare” or “Medicaid” then you probably do not. Check with your insurance company or HR rep to be sure.
Once you know what level of mental health care is available on your insurance plan, request a Superbill from TN Mental Wellness at the time of your payment to your therapist.
Using the information on the Superbill, you type what is needed into the Reimbursify app, then wait 2—4 weeks for the reimbursement to be processed. TN Mental Wellness is pleased to provide our clients with 5 free Reimbursify claims; after that Reimbursify charges $1.99 per superbill.
Emily Runyan, LMFT, owner of TN Mental Wellness says “The app is trustworthy and works just as advertised! If I weren’t working in healthcare, I would have no idea what to do with this stuff, and I really respect how Reimbursify makes it flow.. Like billing magic!”
Visit the homepage for Reimbursify. Download the app to your smartphone using the Android or Apple stores, so that you are ready to input codes and account information after your next session!
1185 Nashville Pike, Gallatin, TN 37066
Call: 615-510-4551 Fax: 615-622-8949